Source code for


The Stream module contains the classes :class:`Stream` and :class:`BlockStream`.

import collections
import itertools
import numpy as np
import operator
import cytoolz

from multipledispatch.conflict import AmbiguityWarning
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=AmbiguityWarning)

#import streaming
from streaming.operators import *
from streaming.abstractstream import *
from streaming.itertools import *

[docs]class Stream(AbstractStream): """Stream of samples. """ def _construct(self, iterator): return Stream(iterator) @property def nblock(self): raise AttributeError("Stream does not have a blocksize") def blocks(self, nblock, noverlap=0): blocks = map(np.array, streaming._iterator.blocks(self._iterator, nblock, noverlap)) return BlockStream(blocks, nblock, noverlap)
[docs] def drop(self, nsamples): """Drop the first `n` samples.""" return super().drop(nsamples)
def map(self, func): return self._construct(map(func, self._iterator))
[docs] def take(self, nsamples): """Take the first `nsamples` samples.""" return super().take(nsamples)
def samples(self): return self
[docs]class BlockStream(AbstractStream): """Stream of blocks of samples. """ def __init__(self, iterator, nblock, noverlap=0): # We either peek, and we know the type and blocksize assuming a homogeneous stream # or we don't and we need nblock as argument and hope the blocks are of the right type. #try: #first, iterator = peek(iterator) #except StopIteration: #raise ValueError("Empty iterator.") ## The elements in the iterator have to be iterators. ## Because the idea of the blockstream is to use vectorized operations ## we require a stricter class, np.ndarray #if not isinstance(first, np.ndarray): #raise ValueError("Items in iterator have to be of class `np.ndarray`.") # With the above disabled we get failing tests for eq and ne operations # See super().__init__(iterator) if noverlap > nblock-1: raise ValueError("`noverlap` should be smaller than `nblock-1`") self._nblock = nblock self._noverlap = noverlap def _construct(self, iterator): return BlockStream(iterator, self.nblock, self.noverlap) @property def nblock(self): return self._nblock @property def noverlap(self): return self._noverlap def blocks(self, nblock, noverlap=0): blocks = streaming._iterator.change_blocks(self._iterator, self.nblock, self.noverlap, nblock, noverlap) return BlockStream(map(np.array, blocks), nblock, noverlap)
[docs] def drop(self, n): """Drop the first `n` blocks. .. note:: If you want to drop `n` samples, use `s.samples().drop(n)`. """ return self._construct(cytoolz.drop(n, self))
[docs] def map(self, func): """Map `func` to each block in :class:`BlockStream`. """ return self._construct(map(func, self))
[docs] def mean(self): """Mean value calculated over `nblock` samples. This function returns a :class:`Stream`. """ return Stream(
[docs] def nblocks(self): """Amount of blocks in stream. .. warning:: This consumes the stream. """ return count(self)
[docs] def std(self): """Standard deviation calculated over `nblock` samples. This function returns a :class:`Stream`. """ return Stream(
[docs] def sum(self): """Sum calculated over `nblock` samples. This function returns a :class:`Stream`. """ return Stream(
[docs] def take(self, nblocks): """Take `nblocks` from stream. """ return self._construct(cytoolz.take(nblocks, self._iterator))
[docs] def samples(self): """Iterate over samples. :returns: Stream of samples insteads of blocks. Possible overlap is taking into account. """ return Stream(streaming._iterator.samples(self._iterator, self.nblock, self.noverlap))
[docs] def var(self): """Variance calculated over `nblock` samples. This function returns a :class:`Stream`. """ return Stream(
# Binary operators (AbstractStream, Stream) def _binary_op_abstractstream_stream(op, a, b): return _binary_op_abstractstream_abstractstream(op, a, b) # Binary operators (AbstractStream, BlockStream) def _binary_op_abstractstream_blockstream(op, a, b): return _binary_op_abstractstream_stream(op, a, b.samples()) # Binary operators (Stream, Stream) def _binary_op_stream_stream(op, a, b): return Stream(map(op, a._iterator, b._iterator)) # Binary operators (BlockStream, BlockStream) def _binary_op_blockstream_blockstream(op, a, b): if a.nblock == b.nblock: return BlockStream(map(op, a, b), nblock=a.nblock) #elif a.nblock % b.nblock == 0: ## A is multiple of B #pass #elif b.nblock % a.nblock == 0: ## B is multiple of A #pass else: return op(a.samples(), b.samples()) # Binary operators (Stream, object) def _binary_op_stream_object(op, a, b): return Stream(op(i, b) for i in a._iterator) # Binary operators (object, Stream) def _binary_op_object_stream(op, a, b): return Stream(op(a, i) for i in b._iterator) # Binary operators (BlockStream, object) def _binary_op_blockstream_object(op, a, b): return BlockStream((op(i, b) for i in a._iterator), a.nblock) # Binary operators (object, BlockStream) def _binary_op_object_blockstream(op, a, b): return BlockStream((op(a, i) for i in b._iterator), b.nblock) # Binary operators (Stream, BlockStream) def _binary_op_stream_blockstream(op, a, b): return op(a, b.samples()) #return Stream(map(op, a._iterator, b._iterator)) # Binary operators (BlockStream, Stream) def _binary_op_blockstream_stream(op, a, b): return op(a.samples(), b) #return BlockStream(map(op, a._iterator, b._iterator), a.nblock) for op in streaming.operators._BINARY_OPERATORS: # Get the dispatcher for this operation D = getattr(streaming.operators, op) # And add the specific implementations D.add((Stream, Stream), partial(_binary_op_stream_stream, D)) D.add((BlockStream, BlockStream), partial(_binary_op_blockstream_blockstream, D)) D.add((AbstractStream, Stream), partial(_binary_op_abstractstream_stream, D)) D.add((AbstractStream, BlockStream), partial(_binary_op_abstractstream_blockstream, D)) D.add((Stream, object), partial(_binary_op_stream_object, D)) D.add((object, Stream), partial(_binary_op_object_stream, D)) D.add((BlockStream, object), partial(_binary_op_blockstream_object, D)) D.add((object, BlockStream), partial(_binary_op_object_blockstream, D)) D.add((Stream, BlockStream), partial(_binary_op_stream_blockstream, D)) D.add((BlockStream, Stream), partial(_binary_op_blockstream_stream, D)) # Itertools @tee.register(Stream) def _(iterable, n=2): return tuple(Stream(it) for it in itertools.tee(iterable, n)) @cycle.register(Stream) def _(iterable): return Stream(itertools.cycle(iterable)) @toarray.register(Stream) def _(iterable): return np.array(list(iterable)) @tee.register(BlockStream) def _(iterable, n=2): return tuple(BlockStream(it, iterable.nblock) for it in itertools.tee(iterable, n)) @cycle.register(BlockStream) def _(iterable): return BlockStream(itertools.cycle(iterable), nblock=iterable.nblock) @toarray.register(BlockStream) def _(iterable): return iterable.samples().toarray() # Other helpful functions
[docs]def count(start=0, step=1): """Count. .. seealso:: :func:`itertools.count` """ return Stream(itertools.count(start=start, step=step))
@repeat_each.register(Stream) def _(iterable, n): return Stream(repeat_each(iterable._iterator, n)) @repeat_each.register(BlockStream) def _(iterable, n): return repeat_each(iterable.samples(), n).blocks(iterable.nblock) __all__ = ['Stream', 'BlockStream', 'count']