Source code for noisy


Different types of noise are available. The following table lists the color
of noise and how the power and power density change per octave.

====== ===== =============
Color  Power Power density
====== ===== =============
White  +3 dB  0 dB
Pink    0 dB -3 dB
Blue   +6 dB +3 dB
Brown  -3 dB -6 dB
Violet +9 dB +6 dB
====== ===== =============

Curves corresponding to the noise color are generated in frequency domain.
import numpy as np

def _ms(x):
    """Mean value of signal `x` squared.

    :param x: Dynamic quantity.
    :returns: Mean square of `x`.

    return (np.abs(x)**2.0).mean()

def _normalize(y):
    """Normalize power in y.
    return y * np.sqrt( 1.0 / _ms(y) )

[docs]def white(ntaps): """Compute impulse response for white noise. :param ntaps: Length of impulse response. :returns: Impulse response of length `ntaps`. """ ir = np.zeros(ntaps) ir[0] = 1 return np.fft.ifftshift(ir)
[docs]def pink(ntaps): """Compute impulse response for pink noise. :param ntaps: Length of impulse response. :returns: Impulse response of length `ntaps`. """ f = np.fft.rfftfreq(ntaps) H = np.sqrt(1./f) H[0] = 1.0 H = _normalize(H) return np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.irfft(H))
[docs]def blue(ntaps): """Compute impulse response for blue noise. :param ntaps: Length of impulse response. :returns: Impulse response of length `ntaps`. """ f = np.fft.rfftfreq(ntaps) H = np.sqrt(f) H = _normalize(H) return np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.irfft(H))
[docs]def brown(ntaps): """Compute impulse response for brown noise. :param ntaps: Length of impulse response. :returns: Impulse response of length `ntaps`. """ f = np.fft.rfftfreq(ntaps) H = 1./f H[0] = 1.0 H = _normalize(H) return np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.irfft(H))
[docs]def violet(ntaps): """Compute impulse response for violet noise. :param ntaps: Length of impulse response. :returns: Impulse response of length `ntaps`. """ f = np.fft.rfftfreq(ntaps) H = f H = _normalize(H) return np.fft.ifftshift(np.fft.irfft(H))
COLORS = { 'white' : white, 'pink' : pink, 'blue' : blue, 'brown' : brown, 'violet': violet, }